Service & Support

Service & Support

We believe that providing responsive service is just as important as selling new equipment. Our field service team is committed to maintaining your equipment and responding when you need them.

Full-time service representatives train at our manufacturing facility to service all makes and models. Team members are located in the United States, Asia and Europe for fast response times.

Technical Support

With our field service team behind you, you can feel confident relying on Vante and PlasticWeld Systems equipment.

  • We have dedicated personnel for remote troubleshooting and onsite support
  • Installation and training services allow your team to hit the ground running
  • Routine inspection and maintenance can reduce costly production line down-time

Technical Support Form


Maintain the integrity of your equipment and get the most out of your investment by using OEM parts.

  • Our team of experts can provide guidance on inventory planning for scheduled maintenance and emergencies
  • Ask about volume discounts and blanket ordering strategies to enable 48-hour shipment for many inventory parts
  • Parts kits provide up to 67% cost savings and reduce production line downtime

Part Request Form

Pre-Owned Equipment

Reliable, pre-owned equipment can be cost-effective and expedite lead times

  • All machines carry a factory warranty and are tested to meet quality standards for new equipment
  • Lease and trial period arrangements are available
Equipment Upgrades

Equipment upgrades are a flexible solution to update technology at a fraction of the cost of a new machine

  • Add features to maximize throughput and optimize cycle times
  • Integrate QA inspections and data collection to meet new quality requirements

View Upgrades


Vante recommends annual verification and re-certification of temperature response and operating characteristics of the generator to insure proper operation.

  • A certified repaired technician can issue a certificate of compliance after an inspection at Vante or at your facility
  • You can save time and money by certifying multiple units during an onsite service visit

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Service Contracts

Quarterly preventive maintenance visits can give you peace of mind that your equipment will continue to run effectively

  • Meet your quality system requirements with annual equipment certifications performed by the original equipment manufacturer
  • Lock in discount pricing for service visits, repairs and parts
  • Technicians can support any Machine Solutions brand products including MSI, Vante, PlasticWeld Systems and SteegerUSA

Contact Us


When equipment must be returned for service, our team will streamline the repair process

  • Quick and convenient returns
  • Fast, accurate failure diagnostics
  • Repair estimates available with 1 – 3 day quote turnaround

RMA Form

Get To Know Our Support Team

Jonathan Bodle
Jonathan BodleAftermarket Sales Manager
Danny Bogen
Danny BogenVP, Sales & Marketing
Sean Harris
Sean HarrisAftermarket Leader
Jonathan Bodle

Jonathan BodleAftermarket Sales Manager

Supporting Vante customers for 12 years.

Tell us about a time you went above and beyond for a Vante Customer?

“On top of always striving to make sure that customer demands are met on a daily basis, I always make sure that when we have customers in-house I make them feel welcome at Vante and here in Tucson. I’ve taken several customers out to the desert to explore local landmarks and enjoy the true beauty of the desert southwest.”

My history with Vante

Currently I am the Vante Aftermarket Leader managing all parts sales, repairs, upgrades, onsite services and contracts as well as over the phone trouble shooting and technical assistance. I began with Vante in product assembly and cross trained as a inventory controller. After a few months I was promoted to final product Quality Control technician which then introduced me to incoming QC inspecting all incoming parts from our vendors. Within a year of starting with SEBRA/VANTE, a position opened up in the sales department for a sales assistant. I jumped at the opportunity believing my assembly and QC experience would help me sell the products since I now had a good understanding of what went into them.

I spent a few years as a sales assistant growing to be solely responsible for the Medical Technologies Inside Sales for parts and duplicate off-the-shelf equipment. During this time, I was also the sole sales Leader for the Vante Bio Pharmaceutical products. More duties where given to me as I grew and then took on the logistics of organizing trade shows and marketing campaigns. My role then expanded to full inside and outside sales globally. Being the Customer Order and service manager I also spent a fair portion of my time assisting customers with the repair or re-certification of their products as well as onsite service and training visits.

With my long tenure at Vante I am very proficient at trouble shooting our equipment over the phone and identifying what equipment needs to come in for service. There are not many areas of the company I don’t know or haven’t been exposed to, so i’m used as a resource frequently when people internally and externally need to get something done right away.”

Danny Bogen

Danny BogenVP, Sales & Marketing

Why do you feel passionate about your work?

“I have had an opportunity to be a part of over one hundred new and exciting medical device projects around the world. The best part is the feeling that I am a member of each customer’s team and having an opportunity to play an impactful role in creating innovative, helpful medical devices. “

Sean Harris

Sean HarrisAftermarket Leader
