PlasticWeld’s HPS-EM tip forming system utilizes a 500 watt power supply paired with a precisely controlled pneumatic actuator to provide exceptional, consistent results for 1-up tip forming or simple flaring. The machine handles a wide range of tube sizes. Digital timers and dial potentiometer provide accurate control of the process parameters.
Product Features
- (1) Low friction pneumatic slide, adjustable forward and return speed, distance control and pneumatic pressure.
- Collet clamping of tube with adjustable clamp pressure.
- Individual digital timers for pre-heat, heat and cooling time control
- Dial potentiometer control of heat
- LCD display of power supply output (volts)
- Load matching transformer & capacitors.
- Easy clean Stainless Steel Cabinet with integrated work platform.
- Precision pneumatic regulators.
- Water cooled coil and tool holder.
- Air cooling of dies.
- Simple adjustment for correct coil placement.
- Micrometer stop adjustment for slide travel
- Cycle initiation by panel push button or foot pedal switch.
- PlasticWeld Systems RF Transistorized Solid State HPS05 induction heating unit, 110/120 or 220/240 volt 50/60hz, 1 phase; operates at a set frequency between 50 and 100 kHz
- Self-contained re-circulating ambient air liquid cooler